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Your Wings Already Exist, All You Have to Do Is Fly

Russell Nesbitt provides life opportunities for people with disabilities and enhance the career growth and potential for those who share in their journeys.

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Your Wings Already Exist, <b>All You Have to Do Is Fly</b> Banner Image

Make a Difference Today - Lend a Helping Hand and Change Lives

In 1958, a concerned father saw a need for educational services for his son with disabilities. Knowing that he was not alone, Russell G. Nesbitt and a small group of parents and supporters began a school for individuals with intellectual, developmental, and behavioral disabilities.

Located at 519 Fulton Street, the program opened its doors in April of 1960 with six students and that number doubled within 5 months. Right now, that little building at 519 Fulton Street sits unused and in disrepair. Just as Mr. Nesbitt did many years ago, we are reaching out for help. Your donation will assist us in making the necessary repairs that will allow us to open those doors again. The refurbishment of this building is vital to the expansion of our programs for adults and adolescents with disabilities.


Providing meaningful life opportunities for individuals with disabilities since 1958.

Russell Nesbitt Services, Inc.

Russell Nesbitt Services, Inc.

Our programs embrace personal care and quality consumer services while maintaining our financial well-being within the constraints of the service delivery system, be compassionate to the needs of the consumers and their families and promote individual employee growth.

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WATCH (Wheeling Area Training Center for the Handicapped), provides meaningful, paid employment opportunities to individuals with disabilities. Watch Inc. is a sheltered employment site where workers with disabilities earn wages commensurate with their abilities.

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Alone we can do so little,
Together we can do so much

By donating through our website, through Amazon Smile, or our wish list, you’re helping us provide a better future for our clients.

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Alone we can do so little,<br><b>Together we can do so much</b> Banner Image

Services Offered by Russell Nesbitt/WATCH


Day TreatmentDay Treatment

Provides person specific training programs in daily living skills, including social interaction that is provided up to 6 hours a day/5 days a week.


Case ManagementCase Management

Ensures that individuals have access to necessary resources in the local community.

Residential ServicesResidential Services

Offered in small, licensed group homes owned by the company, in apartments, homes in the community, and in natural family settings.


Behavior SpecialistBehavior Specialist Professionals

Professionally trained staff perform functional and behavioral assessments. These assessments are used to develop Positive Behavior Support plans.

Peer Support IconPeer Support

At Peer Support gatherings, individuals take cooking lessons, participate in craft activities , exercise, enjoy music/dance, and much more!


Community Options IconCommunity Options

Russell Nesbitt Services prides itself on providing a range of vocational training and work opportunities for people with disabilities.

Nursing Services IconNursing Services

Ensuring the health and safety of every individual served in our residential program or in one of our day programs is the agency’s greatest obligation.


Vocational Services IconVocational Services

Watch Inc. is a sheltered employment site where workers with disabilities earn wages commensurate with their abilities.

Looking for Help?

Looking for help?

Russell Nesbitt/WATCH is here to take your call or email. Whether you're looking for help, advice, or a tour of our facility, we're here to help!

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Photo for Grow Greenhouse Open for the Season!


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United WayWV Health & Human ResourcesWV Dept of TransportationOC Family Resource Network